Rust Bullet Industrial Uses

Finally, a cure for rust!

The steel industry refers to rust as the “Cancer of Steel.” Rust Bullet, the new technology rust/corrosion control product, has come to market to cure this age old disease. Rust Bullet will revolutionize industries’ battles against corrosion with a simple, one step application (two coats), little or no preparation, low maintenance product that is not a short-term fix, but actually cures this disease called rust. CC Technologies conducted research in a cooperative agreement with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and NACE International (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) to provide the public with a corrosion cost report. According to this report, the direct cost of corrosion in the United States is $276 billion annually. This was determined by analyzing 26 industrial sectors in which corrosion is known to exist. The indirect costs to society are conservatively estimated to be equal to the direct costs. Evidence of the large indirect corrosion costs are lost time, and thus lost productivity because of outages, delays, failures, and litigation. Indirect costs are often ignored because only the direct costs are paid by the owner/operator.

Choosing the right industrial rust and corrosion-protection coating

Industrial asset owners invest significant capital in building or acquiring their assets. If you want to extend the life of those assets, then rust and corrosion protection is part of that investment. But what should you look for in a corrosion-protection coating?

Here are four things to consider:

  • The application: What level of rust and corrosion prevention does the asset require? Are abrasion and peel-resistance a consideration? How will you administer the application – Spray, roller, brush?
  • The aesthetics: Do you just need rust and corrosion protection, or is the look and ambiance of the painted/coated asset important? Is color retention vital for the asset’s appearance?
  • The Cost-effectiveness: Clearly, cost-effectiveness of an industrial coating factors into the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the asset. How frequently is re-coating required? How often is maintenance performed on the asset? Are touch-ups part of regular maintenance?
  • Environmental considerations: Are green initiatives dear to your organization? Is it important to you that your industrial coating adheres to the highest environmental protection standards?

These questions are theoretical. So, how would you put them into practice in the real world? By looking for an industrial paint that addresses the issues raised in the questions.

The Rust Bullet Difference

Rust Bullet industrial paint is a patented, rust inhibitive, moisture cure urethane (MCU) coating. As such, it delivers all the properties of a robust, high-performance corrosion and rust-resistant coating. The patented formula offers longer asset life protection, and virtually no risk of premature failures.


Taken together, these qualities work exceptionally well for industrial asserts such as:

  • Roads, bridges and highways
  • Dams and spillways
  • Concrete towers and storage silos
  • Refineries and factories
  • Chemical and gas plants
  • …and a whole lot more!

Due to its excellent chemical resistance properties, quick recoat ability (after 2 to 6 hours) and high temperature resistance (continuous314°F), the technology works well for both on-shore and off-shore industrial assets.  And, if you are looking for a cost-effective and time-saving industrial paint solution, then you’ve just found it!

Recent Testimonials

We found Rust Bullet was billed as “not a paint in the ordinary sense of the word.” It required no preparation other than light scraping or brushing to remove large flakes of rust. Its behavior, when applied differs from conventional paint and rust control materials. The result…an excellent long-term solution to our rust problem. Following the outside cleaning of the oil bunker, we applied two coats of Rust Bullet…the outside of the oil bunker never looked better.
Ken Dunesberry
Chief Mechanical Officer
We used two different rust “converter “products on steel fuel tanks 3 years ago. At same time nearby I used your Rust Bullet rust inhibitor. Had a new job taking back to those sites. Was surprised the tanks treated with the converter products and top coated looked as bad as they first did 3 years ago. Sites are in a constant fog and marine air environment. The tanks I used Rust Bullet on and used the same topcoat only had about a 5 percent surface area needing rework. Obviously used RB exclusively as new under coats. Lesson learned do not waste money on Converter products.
Karl L.
This rust inhibitor is easy to apply, just like regular paint, and it dries fast. With just one application, it forms a thick layer that would be difficult to penetrate by air, water, or other fluid elements. Obviously, I am not able to review durability, since it was just applied, but I believe it will be well beyond the two years that other products tend to last. The higher cost, compared to other products, is fully justified because of superior quality.
Jose T.

Case Studies


Delhi Metro Rail Cooling Tower

Rust Bullet was chosen to safely and cleanly address the issues of existing corrosion and protect from future corrosion.

How Rust Bullet is Keeping the Yeongjong Bridge Corrosion Free

The Yeongjong Grand Bridge in South Korea is the most expensive bridge in Asia. The bridge was built to connect Yeongjong island to the South Korean mainland. In total, the bridge traverses a length of 4.42km, making it a testament to modern engineering. With rust and corrosion posing a daily risk to the overall structure, Rust Bullet was used to completely protect the bridge with the use of our durable, high quality and long-lasting Rust Bullet Industrial rust inhibitor and protective coating.

Rust Bullet used to protect a dam on the Columbia River in Washington, USA

Chief Joseph Dam is a concrete gravity dam located on the Columbia River in Washington, USA. The painting and maintenance crew have been using Rust Bullet for over 10 years on any metal surfaces requiring paint and/or corrosion control products

Some preventative strategies to manage corrosion are:

  • Increase awareness of large corrosion costs and potential savings.
  • Change the misconception that nothing can be done about corrosion.
  • Change policies, regulations, standards, and management practices to increase corrosion savings through sound corrosion management.
  • Improve education and training of staff in recognition of corrosion control.
  • Advance design practices for better corrosion management.
  • Advance life prediction and performance assessment methods.
  • Advance corrosion technology through research, development, and implementation.

But wait, there’s more!

It is known that the corrosion of metal structures has a significant impact on the U.S. economy, including infrastructure, transportation, utilities, production and manufacturing, and government. A 1975-benchmark study by Battelle-NBS calculated the cost of corrosion to be $70 billion per year, which was 4.2 percent of the nation’s gross national product (GNP). Other studies, both in the United States and abroad have addressed the cost of corrosion as well. New technologies to prevent corrosion continue to be developed and cost based corrosion management techniques are available to further lower corrosion costs. However, cost-effective methods are not always implemented. Better corrosion management can be achieved using preventive strategies at every level of involvement (owner, operator, user, government, Federal regulators, and general public). This report will be of interest to government regulators and policy makers involved in materials-related issues, the general public, and practicing engineers concerned with materials of construction and process design.


As a one-step industrial application product, Rust Bullet paints require little or no prep work. Depending on the surface, they typically can cover a surface of between 350 to 400 square foot – which means you protect a lot more of your assets with much less coating.  And, the extended shelf-life of unopened product (2-years) means that if you’ve got paint left over from a maintenance job, you don’t need to dispose it. Use it on the next maintenance cycle. That ought to factor well in the overall TCO calculations of using Rust Bullet solutions.


Most industrial organizations are gravitating towards embracing greener operating standards. If yours is one of those, then you’ll benefit from the Rust Bullet difference. These products contain no chromates, no zinc, no lead, and no heavy metal. Unlike many peer industrial coatings available, they clock-in at a Low volatile organic compound (VOC) of 277 g/liter, which puts these industrial coatings well within the range of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Low volatile organic compound (VOC) limits.

In addition, they comply with the EPA Standards for Potable Water, and to the California VOC Standards for a metallic pigmented coating, and State-specific VOC standards across the country. So, if you want to make a difference in your approach to environmental protection, then Rust Bullet Industrial will help you make that difference.

Browse Our Selection of Industrial Rust Inhibitors