Rust is a plague to many car owners, especially those who live near salt water and those who experience heavy winters where road salts are heavily relied upon. Several methods are available to stop rust and corrosion, but which method is easiest and lasts the longest?

Conventional Ways to Stop Rust

According to Popular Mechanics, car owners can fight oxidation and subsequent rusting of vehicles with a little (more like a lot of) elbow grease. They recommend the following rust prevention measures.

  • Wash your vehicle regularly to remove unwanted muck, salt, and any other corrosive contaminant that will stick to the bottom of your vehicle.
  • Use pipe cleaners to clean the drain holes in the vehicle.
  • Remove surface rust ASAP with an abrasion device until bright metal is reached, then apply primer, paint, and clear coat to seal. Buffing is recommended to blend the sealants.
  • If the rust penetrated beyond the surface, the same abrasion / seal process is required, but with a more aggressive abrasion device such as a grinding wheel.
  • If the rust has reached the swiss cheese stage, options are limited for the car owner. Choices are to remove the affected panel which can be tricky or to patch-weld another panel which can be even more difficult.

A Better Way to Stop Rust: Rust Bullet

When Rust Bullet is applied over rusted metal it penetrates the substrate, dehydrates the rust, until reaching the metal. This allows the resin to become intertwined with the rust, then becomes part of the coating and solidifies into an armor tough coating with phenomenal adhesion.

How Easy Is Rust Bullet to Use?

Most rust removal processes, like the one described by Popular Mechanics, require extensive surface preparation and sometimes dangerous abrasion devices like grinders. Additionally, a topcoat is usually required to prevent rust from retaking hold of the vehicle. As if these inconveniences weren’t enough, traditional corrosion inhibiting methods are prone to destruction via UV light, chemicals, scratches, and chipping.

Rust Bullet is easy to use, even for the lay person who doesn’t normally take on home or car projects.

Just follow these 10 easy application guidelines.


1. Rust Bullet coatings may be applied by brush, roller, or spray equipment.

2. Most Rust Bullet coatings theoretical coverage is approximately 400 square feet per gallon/per coat depending on the method of application and the surface to be coated.

3. It is critical that Rust Bullet be applied to achieve at least a 6 mil dft (0.006 inches or 0.1524 millimeters), usually a 2-3 coat application. A minimum 12 mil dft is required for industrial, commercial and marine applications.

4. Apply in thin even coats; the first coat must be generous enough to soak through the rust to the steel or iron beneath. A second coat of Rust Bullet is applied to completely seal the first coat; this cannot be done with any other coating material, including BlackShell, WhiteShell, or Clear Shot.

5. Optimum drying time between coats of Rust Bullet is approximately 2 to 6 up to 12 hours. Cure time varies based on relative humidity and temperature of the surface. When applying additional coats, the previous coat should be dry to the touch and not wet or tacky; if there is no transfer of coating to a gloved finger it is safe to apply an additional coat.

6. If 12 or more hours have lapsed, wait for Rust Bullet to cure for at least 24 hours then lightly scuff with 80-100 grit; enough to break the glaze to create a surface profile. The same procedure applies when using a topcoat that is not a Rust Bullet coating. With all topcoat paints, it is advised to check for compatibility and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

7. If applying Rust Bullet BlackShell, WhiteShell, or Clear Shot independent of Rust Bullet Industrial or Rust Bullet Automotive, a two-coat application is required.

8. Recommended air or surface temperature should not be below 35°F (2°C) or above 110°F (43°C). Ideal application temperature is between 50°F (10°C) and 80°F (27°C) with humidity below 90%. Never apply a Rust Bullet coating while raining or under threat of rain.

9. Do not apply to surfaces when existing temperature of the surface exceeds 190°F (90°C) or is below 32°F (0°C).

10. After fully cured, Rust Bullet coatings have a service temperature range of 314°F (157°C) continuous, and can tolerate maximum temperature between 617°F – 662°F (325°C – 350°C) for up to 72 hours.

Other corrosion treatments and inhibitors are okay, but they often begin chipping after just weeks or months of regular car use. Rust Bullet is the best product on the market for stopping the iron worm in its tracks. Corrosive contaminants are no match for the easy to apply, no-primer/no-topcoat-required, patented technology that is Rust Bullet.

Rust Preventative Coating - Automotive Rust Inhibitor - Rust Bullet Automotive Undercarriage Truck Kit

Okay, so now that we know that Rust Bullet is easier to use than traditional rust inhibiting methods, how long does it last? Rather than explaining ourselves, just listen to one of our satisfied customers.

“I started using Rustbullet Automotive 6yrs ago while restoring a 1927 Model T Fordor. It saved many parts from the scrap yard by eliminating the need to have them media-blasted. 6 years later that Fordor and 5 other earlier Model T’s have the Rustbullet rust paint without any sign of failure. I love it!”

Derrick M
Any updates?  Curious to see how it made it through winter
John Loney
@Derrick M Really good. no rust. I need to make a video about it. Thanks for the reminder.

The long-lasting car rust stopper: The secret is in excellent product prep and care

You’ve now heard from several of our loyal customers testify to the fact that Rust Bullet LLC Automotive really does work. If you’ve read the reviews, and seen the video clip above, you too might be tempted to ask “But…how is this possible?”. Well, the good news is that it is possible to stop rust from attacking your vehicles for long periods of time. How? Let’s talk about that some more.

Clearly, as you’ve likely gathered from our customer’s reviews, choosing the right Rust Bullet product is essential for any type of rust protection to work. Thanks to its unique formula, this range of automotive rust coatings works everywhere. If you want to know how to stop rust on car surfaces and underneath, then this is the best product in its class on the market today. Use it on Frames, Undercarriages, Suspensions, Floor Plans, Hoods, Rocker Panels…and anywhere else.

But how do you get the Rust Bullet rust inhibitor to protect your automobile, regardless of it being a sedan, truck, SUV or any other type of vehicle, for a long time? Well, the second secret (the first one is product selection) lies in how you store and prepare the product. Some car enthusiasts are so eager to get that rust off their prized vehicles, that they’ll dash to the nearby Rust Bullet dealer, pick up a can or two of their favorite shade of coating – and get painting immediately. That’s not what you should do!

Wondering how to stop your car from rusting again shortly after you’ve applied your trusted rust inhibitor coating? Part of the answer lies in what you do before as well as after you apply the coating!  You see, these cans of coatings contain chemical compounds that, upon interacting with the outside environment, produce the desired result you are looking for.

However, to produce that effect, you must ensure you prepare the product adequately – per manufacturer recommendations. And, it also depends upon how you handle the product in-between coatings. Finally, once you’re done with rust-proofing your car, what you do with remaining product also matters – for future use of the rust coating.


Here are some best practices to consider if you want your Rust Bullet LLC Automotive rust inhibitor to deliver long-lasting results:

  • Prep the surface: The golden rule is to always prepare the surface well, before applying the rust inhibitor coating. Not doing so may lead you to paint over existing rust and debris, leading to a wasted effort!  Simple flash rust can wiped down for debris and painted right over though.
  • Prep the product: Next, remember to prepare your car rust inhibitive product in line with manufacturer recommendations. Stir the can for at least three minutes by hand to create a homogenous mix. 
  • Apply the product: Make sure you apply only in manufacturer specified temperatures and environment conditions. Apply only using appropriate applicators – brush, roller, spray guns. And for required minimum two coat applications, wait until the the first coat is dry to the touch (two to six hours with no paint transfer to a gloved finger) before applying the necessary second coat.


Now that you’re all done applying the product, sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor. But wait – you’re not done yet! What do you do with left over product? Well, here’s another best practice to consider. Always clean the lip of the container, seal the container well, and store in a cool, dark place. That’ll prevent product from degrading and extend its shelf life.